Limited Availability - Only 10 Spots are currently available.

Facebook Marketplace Automation

Make Passive Online Money Within Your First Week of Signing Up

How Does it Work:

  • 95% Automated
  • ​We do everything for you. Find the products, List the products , Ship the products.
  • ​The only thing you will have to do is set aside about 20 minutes every day to 15 minutes every other day to place the orders which the exact info will be provided.
10 Spots are currently available. Due to Overbooking we are currently offering this service Only in the USA, Thank you
  • Things you will need – a Facebook Account that has been around more than 6 months, Whatsapp, Paypal account.
  • How Much Money Is Needed – $247 One Time Sign on Payment, A few hundred dollars for products.
  • ​How Do Payouts Work – All profit, and sales will be calculated on a google drive spreadsheet. The company will take 40% of profit and you keep the rest.
  • How Much Time Is Needed – Once everything is set up, the only thing you will be doing is purchasing orders that are processed on your account.
From there it’s Rinse, Repeat and Profit 

Our Guarantee 

There are a lot of people who do facebook marketplace dropshipping online that don’t take the safety precautions necessary which end up getting their account shutdown. The team I’ve partnered with has been doing this for over one year.

Don't just take our word for it

Check out The results of our clients

$197 One Time Payment 

If you don’t make your money back within your first 30 days
money back no questions asked.
10 Spots are currently available. Due to Overbooking we are currently offering this service Only in the USA, Thank you
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